AAC Marine Group's survey and inspection services are available to both commercial and private entities throughout Southwest Florida, including Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Sanibel, Captiva, Bonita Springs, Naples, Marco Island, and surrounding areas. Below is an explanation of the various marine surveys performed, the types of boats inspected, and what each inspection entails.
Pre-Purchase Surveys
An extremely comprehensive and thorough survey of all the vessel's systems. A pre-purchase will allow you to find the exact value and condition of a vessel so you can make an informed decision on the purchase. Includes a visual inspection of the vessel as well as thorough inspection of the engine, wiring, plumbing, pumps, hulls, etc.
Also called a 'Condition and Value Survey,' this is used by insurance underwriters and financial institutes to help them assess financial risk. This survey inspects and reports on the vessel and its systems including the hull, electrical systems, machinery, etc. Generally tailored specifically to the needs of the underwriter and compares the vessel to similar vessels of same size, class and service. Visual inspection only.
The Boat Appraisal Survey is used to determine the value for selling your boat, for donations, and also for estate settlements. The price that a boat is valued at is determined by many things including the condition of the vessel, physical appearance, collision damage, electrical equipment, geographical location, as well as Blue Book value.
Marine damage surveys are performed to assess the complete extent of damages to a vessel resulting from any type of accident. The surveyor reports on the boat's condition, the probable cause of damage, and will offer recommendations for repair and estimate the cost of such repairs.
Trip and Tow
Trip and Tow Surveys are done to inspect vessels for seaworthiness, vessel conditions, stability, length, and draft. Inspection consists of the Tow equipment, length of tow lines, shock line connections and the type of hook up from the towed vessel or vessels to the tow vessel, crew capabilities and crew working hours.
Tug and Barges
Tug Boats: Required surveys for insurance, pre-purchase and sea keeping abilities, depending on the job they may be doing. They can be leased and may be involved as on and off hire. Engine horsepower, length and draft, even stability testing may be involved.
Barge Surveys: Include draft calculations, size of barge, types of product they may carry, liquids, oil, food grade oil, dry cargo, lumber sand, coal and/or cement products. Includes On-Hire, Off Hire, Insurance and Construction, NDT Audio Gauge and Damage Inspection.
Commercial Work boats may be as small as 16' or several hundred feet long depending where and how they are working. All have USCG requirements, safety draft requirements, and need to be inspected for stability, wiring and fuel engines. Most fall into the pre-purchase and insurance purposes and, in many cases, fall into the on and off hire categories at times.
Fishing Boats
Commercial Fishing Boats are surveyed for pre-purchase and insurance purposes. They can be small vessels or several hundred feet long depending on the type of fishing, long lining (surface, mid water and bottom), Trawling, Rod and reel or net fishing.
FFor more information on AAC Marine Group's boat surveys and inspection services in Southwest Florida,contact us toll free at (727) 201-2525.